Catholics for a Changing Church

"To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often" - Bl. John Henry Newman

Catholic Bible Sunday 2014

We thank the Bishops Conference of England and Wales for this important information

Catholic Bible Sunday is celebrated this year on 7 December - the Second Sunday of Advent. It presents an opportunity to us to hear afresh and be renewed in our attentiveness to God's word through reading and reflecting on the Scriptures in our parishes and homes.

This year’s theme is HearReflectProclaim.


Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote in a Church teaching document calledVerbum Domini:

"We need to make every effort to share the Word of God as an openness to our problems, a response to our questions, a broadening of our values and the fulfillment of our aspirations.”

Bible Sunday encourages us to seek new ways of responding to these words by proclaiming God’s life-giving Word to everyone day-by-day.

In this section of our website, we're offering free Bible Sunday downloads produced by the National Scripture Working Group - an instrument of the Bishops’ Conference Department for Evangelisation and Catechesis. The materials are supported by Bible Society.

A particular resource emphasis this year is providing materials that support parish Mass readers who have an important role in proclaiming the Word of God in their local community.

Bishop Seamus Cunningham, a member of the Bishops' Conference Department for Evangelisation and Catechesis, has written to the Catholic community introducing this year's theme:

"In this time of Advent, St John the Baptist reminds us of the need for preparation. He knows that God’s promise is soon-to-be fulfilled. As we journey towards the celebration of Christmas, please do support Catholic Bible Sunday so as to encourage a deeper desire within our Catholic community for the Word of God to be heard, reflected upon and proclaimed."


Here you'll find links to pages carrying this year's resources.

A particular resource emphasis for this year's Catholic Bible Sunday is providing materials that support parish Mass readers

A resource offering notes for priests to help with their homilies.

We have Prayers of the Faithful to use as part of the liturgy.

Children's Liturgy
Download some ideas and principles that you might find useful to encourage children to engage with the scriptures.

Website/Newsletter text
Can you support Catholic Bible Sunday 2014 by writing a line or two for your parish website or newsletter?

Useful links related to Catholic Bible Sunday.

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